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Illustration of vaping dangers among Indian adolescents.

Indian Teens Unaware of the Perils of Vaping, TCF Survey Reveals

Across the globe, the dangers of vaping among teenagers are increasingly recognized. The CDC in the United States reported an outbreak of lung injury associated with e-cigarette use in 2019, which primarily affected young adults. Yet, a recent survey in India paints a disturbing picture of youth ignorance regarding these hazards.

As part of their “Ideas for an Addiction-Free India” initiative, the Think Change Forum (TCF) surveyed students aged 14 to 17 across six metro cities in India. A whopping 89% of the respondents were unaware of the health risks associated with vaping, suggesting a gap in awareness and education among adolescents.

Further solidifying this gap, 52% of the surveyed students viewed vaping as a cool and fashionable activity, while 37% considered it moderately harmful but didn’t understand the exact nature of the harm. The TCF survey’s findings parallel a 2020 report from the American Heart Association that also indicated a widespread misperception among young people that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional cigarettes.

The findings underscore the necessity for better education on vaping dangers, a sentiment echoed by Sushant Kalra, a well-respected Parenting Coach & TEDx Speaker. He emphasized the urgent need for parents and educators to address this issue before more adolescents fall into the trap of vaping.



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