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spine surgery

4WEB Medical Announces Commercial Launch of its Cervical Spine Integrated Plating Solution

4WEB Medical, an orthopedic implant company focused on developing innovative implants that utilize its proprietary Truss Implant Technology™, announced the initial launch of the newest addition to the company’s portfolio, the Cervical Spine Truss System Integrated Plating Solution (CSTS-IPS). The…

Beyeonics Surgical Announces the First Use of the Beyeonics Maverick System in Surgery

The Beyeonics™ Maverick system has been used in surgery for the first time to successfully give surgeons enhanced visual and operational capabilities during neurosurgical and orthopedic procedures. The headset-based interface uses a state-of-the-art augmented reality visualization system originally developed for F-35…

Young Software Engineer’s Remarkable Recovery through Minimally Invasive Keyhole Surgery: BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital Sets a New Standard for Spinal Cord Tumor Treatment

In a remarkable case at BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, a young software engineer’s battle against a spinal cord tumor took an extraordinary turn with the application of a groundbreaking surgical technique. The hospital’s esteemed Neurosurgical team, armed with their expertise…