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Collagen supplement packages of ChocoVits, Diataal, and Moder/ate on a clean background
Pharmacy Innovation

4 best health supplements to promote overall wellness

Now forget the basic healthcare routine – Introducing cutting-edge supplements designed to support your overall health from within. Starting from your skin, internal health and sexual health, these innovative formulas provide essentials that your body needs to enhance overall wellness. Discover top brands dedicated to nourishing your overall health. It’s time to prioritize your health and radiate vitality from the inside out.

ChocoVits, Diataal and Diataal-D

Chocovits by Diataal is a unique blend of 11 essential micronutrients. This one-of-a-kind supplement has no direct competition in the market, as most alternatives come in the form of gummies or vitamin candies. Diataal is the perfect blend of 8 vitamins & 8 minerals, which takes care of your daily nutritional requirements for your good health and well-being. As we spend more time indoors and face environmental challenges like pollution and changing food habits, vitamin D deficiency is on the rise. Diataal – D offers a balanced blend of 13 essential vitamins and minerals, with a special emphasis on vitamin D.


Moder/ate, is a revolutionary 100% plant extract blend that has been scientifically tested and shown to block up to 40% calories, carbs & sugars. With moderate™, you can enjoy your meals without worrying about the negative impact of high glucose and insulin spikes on your blood sugar levels. Further, it also aids in weight management as it controls the calorie intake across carb-heavy & sugary foods. It also prevents sugar crash helping prevent post meal energy & productivity dips.



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